Sometimes you meet people & you just click. You're comfortable with them like you've know them for years. That is exactly how we felt with Talyn & Dilly. We had the opportunity to travel to Cancun Mexico to photograph their wedding events in and it was an experience we will never forget! Second shooter : @mick_media

Bridal Mehendi
This was the first event we photographed . Talyn had a henna paste applied to her hands and feet in elaborate designs. Dilly's name was also hidden in her Mehendi for him to find later on. It is believed the darker the colour of the Mehendi, the more love the bride will receive by her in-laws. While Talyn received her Mehendi, friends and family would pop in to say hi and give their well wishes.

The next morning was the Vanta and Maiyan ceremony. This is a cleansing process for the bride and groom to be. First, Talyn and Dilly were cleansed with a turmeric paste put on by their friends and families. This mixture is believed to bless the couple before the wedding and is known to have properties that leave the skin fair and glowing.

Choora Ceremony
After Talyn cleaned up from the Vanta, she took part in the Choora Ceremony. A Choora is a set of bangles traditionally worn by a bride on her wedding day and for a period of time after. Wearing the Choora signifies the status of a married woman. These bangles are purified in milk and rose petals before they are put on the bride. Talyn's brothers all took turns placing the bangles on her wrists

Later that night was the Sangeet Party. It's a fun and colourful event when both the families get together to enjoy a musical evening, lots of great food and plenty of dancing. It’s a great opportunity for both sides of the families to get acquainted with each other. Talyn and Dilly held their Sangeet Party on the beach.

Jaago- ("wake up")
Back in the day, invitations were not sent out for weddings. Relatives of the bride or groom would go around the village on the night before the wedding day with pots on their head to make noise and wake up the village to let them know a wedding will be happening. Connor and I had a great time photographing this event, there were lots of laughs while they danced with the Jaago on their head.

Sikh Ceremony
All of the guests of the bride and groom gathered together for the Sikh marriage ceremony. The bride and groom bow before the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and then sit in front of him. Hymns are sung and prayers are read for the success of the marriage. At the end of the ceremony, guests can approach the newlyweds, give their blessing and place a monetary gift into their pallas.

Civil Ceremony
The last day of wedding festivities was the civil ceremony. Talyn and Dilly had this ceremony outside in the garden and it was breath taking. Talyn cried, Dilly cried, their parents cried… I cried… we all cried.

Talyn and Dilly are such amazing people and made us feel so welcomed the entire week. Not only them, but their families & friends were beyond welcoming & we definitely felt like part of their family. When Talyn & Dilly thanked us for capturing all their events during their speech, the crowds cheer warmed my heart & even made me tear up(again).
We will forever be grateful to everyone we met and will never forget what an amazing experience this has been!