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The Timber Barn Wedding: St Jacobs Wedding Venue

Jessica & Eric's wedding day was absolutely spectacular! They chose the stunning The Timber Barn in St Jacobs Village for their special day, a gorgeous venue owned by The Stella Co. I'm thrilled to be a preferred photographer with The Stella Co. , and every time I capture a wedding at one of their venues, I'm blown away by the exquisite details. Having spent much of my childhood in St Jacobs, and with my first job at the nearby Stone Crock Meat and Cheese, I feel a deep connection to this area. Knowing so many picturesque spots within walking distance of The Timber Barn is a fantastic advantage when it's time to explore and take portraits!

One of the most unforgettable moments of Jessica & Eric's wedding was their during their unity ceremony, where they crafted and sipped on some spicy margs before being pronounced husband and wife!


Venue: The Timber Barn Getting Ready Location: Hotel 52

Catering: Gilt Catering Officiant: Bcauselove

Associate: Dawn



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